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I had an urgent support call last week from one of our Montana contractors who use Timberline Estimating. Here’s the scenario:

  • It’s Bid Day,  getting down to the last hour before the bid is due.
  • The system kicked them out of the estimate, and when they try to reopen the  file, they get an error  the message:  “Estimate is open on another computer or marked as Read Only.

Yikes! The good news is that this is easy to fix.  Here’s how:

  1. Make sure EVERYONE is out of Timberline, (both Accounting and Estimating). This is important if you want the payroll checks to be correct next Friday!
  2. On the file where the estimate file resides, (usually the Server), open Services, and stop both the Pervasive Services. Then restart both.
  3. This 5-minute procedure will clear the “Read Only” flag and allow the file to be reopned.

With this simple procedure, Steve & his team were  back up and running in just a few minutes, to close the bid successfully. The bid market is tough enough out there without computer problems!

Let us know if you have a question, and we’ll answer it for you and post it here.

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